Admission and Transfer Procedure

The policy and arrangements for admission to the school are set out in the Local Authority's school admissions booklet 'Starting School in Tower Hamlets', which can be accessed on the Tower Hamlets website.

A paper copy can be obtained from the Local Authority's Pupil Admissions Team on 020 7364 5006.


If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 and you would like a nursery place for September 2023, you must apply online via the eadmissions portal. The closing date is 16 February 2023.

  • Please note that the school’s Nursery admissions are managed by the Tower Hamlets School Admission team. The School Admission team will make offers of part-time places only. At Cyril Jackson, children who attend Nursery part-time do so in the mornings, Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. We regret that the school cannot offer any alternative part-time arrangements (such as part-time attendance in the afternoons). The Nursery’s maximum capacity in the mornings is 64 children.
  • Parents and carers who would like their child to attend Nursery full-time will be liable for the costs of afternoon sessions. These can be met through a 30 Hour Childcare Code or from parents’ own funds. Please contact the school at your earliest opportunity to make suitable arrangements. The Nursery’s maximum capacity in the afternoons is 24 children.
  • Please teach your child some basic independence skills before they begin to attend Nursery. Skills such as using the toilet independently, putting on their coat, eating using cutlery, washing their hands, sharing with others, and initiating conversation with peers and adults will help your child to settle into Nursery quickly. It would also be helpful if your child was used to spending some time away from you.
  • If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, your child’s Nursery admission will be managed by the Tower Hamlets SEN Section, and the school will be formally consulted in the manner described in the SEN Code of Practice. If your child has additional needs but does not have an Education, Health and Care Plan, please assist us by telling us about your child, providing any professionals’ letters, and so on, prior to their start date. Since the school’s admissions are outsourced to Tower Hamlets, we cannot decline to admit children who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan, so sharing your child’s needs with us will not affect your child’s chance of admission.


Pupils usually start primary school in the September following their fourth birthday. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 this will be from September 2023. You must make an online application for a Reception place, even if your child is already attending the school's nursery.

You must apply via the e-admissions portal.

Closing date for making applications is 15 January 2023.

Priorities for Admission to Reception:

  1. Children Looked After by the local authority, including adopted children who were previously looked after and children who leave care under a special guardianship or residence order. This also includes children who were previously in care abroad.
  2. Children for whom it is deemed there is strong medical or social reason to attend the school applied to.
  3. Children living within the catchment area of the school who have a sibling attending the school (including the school of a separate infants and junior schools) and who will continue to do so on the date of admission.
  4. Children whose parent is a member of staff who has been employed at the school concerned for two or more years at the time of application and/or children of a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
  5. Children who live within the catchment area of the school and for whom the school applied for is their nearest community school within the catchment area.
  6. Other children from within the catchment area of the school.
  7. Children living outside of the catchment area with a sibling at the school.
  8. Children living outside of the catchment area of the school.

If your child is not offered a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal. Appeals should be made through the Tower Hamlets website.

  • All Reception places are full-time places.
  • If your child has not attended Nursery, please teach them some basic independence skills before they begin to attend Reception. Skills such as using the toilet independently, putting on their coat, eating using cutlery, washing their hands, sharing with others, and initiating conversation with peers and adults will help your child to settle into Reception quickly. It would also be helpful if your child was used to spending some time away from you.
  • If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, your child’s Reception admission will be managed by the Tower Hamlets SEN Section, and the school will be formally consulted in the manner described in the SEN Code of Practice. If your child has additional needs but does not have an Education, Health and Care Plan, please assist us by telling us about your child, providing any professionals’ letters, and so on, prior to their start date. Since the school’s admissions are outsourced to Tower Hamlets, we cannot decline to admit children who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan, so sharing your child’s needs with us will not affect your child’s chance of admission.

In-Year Admissions

In-year admissions take place outside the normal admission period and are managed by the Tower Hamlets School Admission team. This may apply to your child if you are new to the area, or wish to transfer your child from one school to another. If you are seeking an in-year admission, please use this form (for children of Nursery age), or this form (for children of Reception age or above). Please do not submit the form directly to the school.

Secondary Transfer

During the Autumn Term, parents of children in their final year at Cyril Jackson will receive information about transferring to a secondary school the following September. A parents/carers session is also arranged for the end of Year 5 to explain necessary procedures.

Find out more...

Admissions Appeals

Primary Appeals


 Admissions Policy Consultation Information (September 2025)

 Admissions Policy September 2025