Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club at Cyril Jackson School is available every day from 8am in the North Building Hall; however there is a limited number of places available and parents will be required to apply if they wish their child to attend on a full or part-time basis. Letters will be distributed periodically over the course of the academic year to ensure the club runs at full capacity. Priority places will be given to working parents.  

A small charge is payable per day: £3 for working parents; 50p non-working parents.

A member of staff will escort children from Year 5 and 6 to their designated playground and those children from Nursery to Year 4 will be escorted to their designated teacher or member of support staff.

Fees will be added to your child's Parent Pay account on a half termly basis. You will only pay for the sessions that your child attends.

Breakfast Club Registration Form