Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc. puts the teaching of reading at the heart of our school. Our reading teachers are experts and ensure that all children are taught to read.

We start by teaching Read Write Inc. phonics to children in our Nursery. This means that they learn how to read the sounds in words and how those sounds can be written down. This is essential for reading and spelling. We teach children simple ways of remembering these sounds and letters. Once children can blend words, we give them story books matched to the sounds they know. The children practise reading their books three times at school. On each read, they become speedier and this does wonders for their confidence. They enjoy the story and want to read more.

Children are assessed termly and moved to the correct group for them. Reading teachers assess their children daily and highlight any children that may need to move groups. They also identify if children need additional support. At this point, these children are added to an intervention catch up group, where they are able to review their learning again. Parents are kept up to date with the group their child will be in for the upcoming term. They will also be informed if their child will join a catch up group and given some strategies to use at home with their child.

Our Read Write Inc. lessons don’t just finish when the lesson is over. The children are given the opportunity to use these skills in their language rich environments throughout the day. Not only do they use their reading skills at school, all children are encouraged to continue this learning at home. Parents are informed of their child’s learning and are given the resources to continue this learning at home. When children start story books, they are given this storybook to take home and share with their adults. They are also given a different text that is matched to this level to apply their reading skills in a different kind of book.

We love reading at Cyril Jackson and children are given the opportunity to visit the school and class library. From the library they can choose a book that they are intrigued and excited to read, this is then taken home to share. As staff at Cyril Jackson, we know we have instilled a love of reading when our children cheer and applaud a visit to the library or return to the library and want to take out a book they have had before as it is their favourite.